History by Photograph

History by Photograph

Highlights & Features

  • Visit your host's home in the hills just outside Kandy
  • See Sri Lanka over the last 30 years through your host’s photos
  • Engage with images ranging from traditional village culture to contemporary scenes
  • Includes: A host and refreshments
  • Times: Approx. 2 hours, 10.00am - 12.00pm.
  • Children: Small children may not follow.
  • Wear/bring: Light, cool clothing.
The Full Experience

Travel to outside Kandy city to re-live Sri Lanka's recent history at the home of a celebrated photographer with images recorded since 1985.

Once you have received a welcome refreshment, your host will begin presenting his imagery in his own laid back yet intimate living room, beginning with some of his earliest pieces.  You have privileged access to rare imagery of Sri Lanka from 1985 until the present day, much of which includes environment, local culture and the realities of the island’s 26 year conflict. He works in both color and black and white, landscape, observational and portrait and it is almost impossible to enter into discussion as you are transported by fascinating and unique pictures once seen through your host’s own eyes.

Hosted by Photographer

Your host's photos of Sri Lanka have featured in global publications and exhibitions including, Tatler, The Telegraph, CAFOD, Amnesty International, The Times and the BBC. He formalised his passion for photography in the 1980s at the Arts Institute Bournemouth with a BA and an MFA at the Arts Institute San Francisco. He then freelanced in London as a portrait photographer before developing new works and three books in Sri Lanka.

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